Wireless Ear Camera Instructions

How do I use the Wireless FLOOGEAR Ear Camera with an iPhone or iPad?

1. Download the WIFI Visible app from the Apple App Store.

ear camera

2. Turn on your Wireless FLOOGEAR Ear Camera by pressing the power button located at the bottom. A blue light will indicate that it is on.

3. Open the WIFI Visible app then click "Start."

ear camera


4. Press "goto wlan settings."

ear scope


5. The app will then take you to your settings page. Then select "Wi-Fi."

earwax removal tool with camera

6. You will be taken to the available WIFI connections screen where you can select your Ear Camera titled "FY-B600-XXXXXX" (Your Ear Camera will have unique numbers in place of the "Xs").

ear cleaner tool

7. Once the Ear Camera has connected to your device's Wi-Fi, go back to the WIFI Visible app.

earwax cleaner

8. After connecting the Ear Camera to your device's WIFI press "Start."

ear scope

9. That's it! You are now ready to use your FLOOGEAR Ear Camera.

ear camera tool

How do I use the Wireless FLOOGEAR Ear Camera with an Android phone or tablet?

1. Download the WIFI Visible app from the Google Play Store.

ear scope instructions

2. Turn on your Wireless FLOOGEAR Ear Camera by pressing the power button located at the bottom. A blue light will indicate that it is on.

3. Open the WIFI Visible app on your phone and press "Agree."

ear cleaner tool

4. Allow WIFI Visible to access photos, media, and files to enable saving of videos from your Ear Camera. You can deny these permissions if preferred.

earwax cleaner tool

5. Click "Start" in the WIFI Visible app

ear camera

6. Press "Connect" in the WIFI Visible app.

ear cleaning tool with camera

7. You will be taken to the WIFI connections screen where you can select your Ear Camera titled "FY-B600-XXXXXX" (your Ear camera will have unique numbers in place of the "Xs").

earwax removal tool kit

8. Once your Ear Camera has connected you can press the back button.

ear cleaner tool kit

9. Once you are back in the WIFI Visible app you can press "Start."

ear cleaning tool

10. That's it! You are now ready to use your FLOOGEAR Ear Camera/Otoscope.

ear camera

Wired Ear Camera Instructions

How do I use the Wired FLOOGEAR Ear Camera with an Apple computer or laptop (iMac or MacBook)?

1. Plug the Ear Camera into a USB port

2. Launch “QuickTime Player”

3. Click “File” in the top left corner on the navigation bar

4. Click “Create New Movie”

5. Click drop down arrow next to record button and select "HD Camera"

That’s it! You are now ready to use your FLOOGEAR Ear Camera/Otoscope

How do I use the Wired FLOOGEAR Ear Camera with an Android phone or tablet?

1. Download and install the inskam app from the Google Play Store

2. Open the inskam app

3. Allow inskam to take pictures and record video to save photos and recordings from your ear camera

ear camera

4. Allow inksam to access photos

ear camera

5. Allow inskam to access location

ear camera

6. Connect the Ear Camera to your phone using the correct USB adapter

7. Press ‘OK’ when prompted

ear camera

8. Press ‘jump over’ once you have finished reviewing the on-screen tutorial

ear camera

9. Install an Earpick

That’s it! You are now ready to use your FLOOGEAR Ear Camera/Otoscope.

How do I use the Wired FLOOGEAR Ear Camera with a Windows computer or laptop?

1. Plug the Ear Camera into a USB port

2. Search for “Camera” in the start menu. If you cannot find the “Camera” app then you can download it from the Microsoft Store

ear camera

3. Open the Camera app. If you do not see a live feed of the Ear Camera then click the “change camera” button located in the top right corner.

ear camera

4. That’s it! You are now ready to use your FLOOGEAR Ear Camera/Otoscope.