where does earwax come from

Where Does Earwax Come From?

Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by the body to protect and clean the ear canal. In this blog post, we'll explore where earwax comes from and how to safely remove it using the FLOOGEAR Ear Camera, the best ear cleaning tool on the market.

Where Does Earwax Come From?

Earwax is produced by the ceruminous glands located in the skin of the ear canal. These glands produce a combination of fatty acids, cholesterol, and dead skin cells that mix together to create earwax. The wax is then pushed towards the outer ear by the movement of the jaw and the growth of new skin cells.

Why Do We Need Earwax?

Earwax plays an important role in protecting and cleaning the ear canal. It acts as a natural lubricant, preventing the ear canal from becoming dry and irritated. Earwax also helps to trap dirt, dust, and other foreign particles, preventing them from entering the inner ear and causing damage.

Ear Cleaning and Earwax Removal

While earwax is beneficial, an excess of it can cause discomfort, hearing loss, and other issues. When it comes to ear cleaning and earwax removal, it's important to be gentle and avoid using tools that can damage or irritate the ear canal.

The FLOOGEAR Ear Camera is the best ear cleaning tool on the market, allowing you to safely monitor and remove earwax without causing further irritation. The camera provides a clear view of the ear canal, allowing you to identify any build-up of earwax. The ear cleaning tool is gentle and effective, removing earwax without causing any damage to the ear canal.

In conclusion, earwax is a natural substance produced by the body to protect and clean the ear canal. While it is beneficial, an excess of it can cause discomfort and other issues. The FLOOGEAR Ear Camera is the best ear cleaning tool on the market, allowing you to safely monitor and remove earwax while also identifying any issues with dryness or irritation. Don't hesitate to purchase yours today at https://www.floogear.com/products/ear-camera and take control of your ear health.

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